Integers are positive and negative whole numbers no fractions or decimals.
Real numbers do have fractions and decimals that integers do not.
16 can be expressed as a difference of two prime numbers in two ways, which
is:23 - 7 = 16, 19 - 3 = 16
Among the choices, 16 is expressed as (23 - 7), which is the difference of two prime numbers.
Well the thing is you didn't tell us which number but if it is 12 then i strongly believe that the answer is 3/9
Step-by-step explanation:
2. 24^2+7^2 = 625
V 625 = 25
3. 6^2 + 5^2 = 25 +36 = 61
V 61 =7.81024967 =7.8
4. 4^2 +9^2 = 97
V 97= 9.84885780 = 9.8
5. 2^2 +3^2 = 13
V 13 =3.60555127 =3.6
and done!