Remove parentheses.
-3/8 -1/6
Find the Least Common Denominator (LCD) of 3/8, 1/6. In other words, find the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of 8,6.
Make the denominators the same as the LCD.
- 3x3/8x3 - 1x4/6x4
Simplify. Denominators are now the same
-9/24 - 4/24
Join the denominators
Notice how points T and Z are vertically aligned, or vertically lined up. This is where the graph fails the vertical line test.
The input x = 2 leads to the outputs y = 3 and y = 5 (which are the y coordinates of points Z and T in that order).
A function is only possible when any given input leads to <u>exactly one</u> output only. It would be like saying "the conversion function from Celsius to Fahrenheit has 0 degrees C convert to both 32 degrees F and 50 degrees F at the same time". But such a statement makes no sense and it's not useful. So this is one example of why having one output makes sense for a function.
In short, we need one output for any given input. But the input x = 2 leads to more than one output. That's why we don't have a function.
384 is between 380 and 390