I attached a picture showing how to do it
The temperature of the Beaker B insulated contains a lower amount of identical liquids and the copper rod which won't keep the system going because it can't with stand to keep a breaker going at a low Celsius of 50 degree 30 degree Celsius less than Breaker A
(i) An allele is a variant of a gene, can either be short or tall.
Dominant = the tall allele that "trumps" the short allele. if a dominant and recessive allele is present (heterozygous) then the dominant phenotype will be shown.
(ii) David's eyes are Brown
(iii) Sarah's eyes are blue
(iv) David - B, b
Sarah - b, b
(v) Possible genotypes include Bb and bb. These give the phenotypes of brown eyes or blue eyes.
(vi) The chance for blue eyes is 50% (or 1:1 ratio)
As far as I can think of, we're dependent on other species. If we can't be carnivores, then literally, the only other option I can think of is being a herbivore, and that still an organism. We need sufficient life essence to keep living. We CANNOT live without harming another organism.
In short of my babbling, human survival is not independent of other species.