Well if it was 8 hours in the morning and 7 in the evening per day of the week it would be 105 divided by 2 for the number of sessions would equal to 52.5 sessions. if it was just that amount of time from that whole week, it would be 15 hours divided by 2 which would give you 7.5... Did that help?
Please read the attached file
The way to determine bacteriostatic or bacterial is by using a micorscope
Write a C program to compute Matrix Multiplication of two matrices. Use one dimensional array to store each matrix, where each row is stored after another. Hence, the size of the array will be a product of number of rows times number of columns of that matrix. Get number of row and column from user and use variable length array to initialize the size of the two matrices as well as the resultant matrix. Check whether the two matrices can be multiplied or not. Write a getMatrix() function to generate the array elements randomly. Write a printMatrix() function to print the 1D array elements in 2D Matrix format. Also, write another function product(), which multiplies the two matrices and stores in the resultant matrix. With SEED 5, the following output is generated.
Sample Output
Enter the rows and columns of Matrix A with space in between: 3 5
Enter the rows and columns of Matrix B with space in between: 5 4
Matrix A:
8 6 4 1 6
2 9 7 7 5
1 3 1 1 2
Matrix B:
9 5 4 5
9 9 8 1
4 4 3 5
2 6 2 1
4 5 2 4
Product AxB:
168 146 106 91
161 186 125 81
50 52 37 22
In conclusion, the answer is 5x1
Please give Brainliest answer thanks! :)