6 continues to repeat.
fraction can be reduced to 2/3
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Blood group AB has both A and B antigens, but no antibodies. Blood group B has B antigens with anti-A antibodies in the plasma. Blood group A has A antigens on the red blood cells with anti-B antibodies in the plasma
The sum of an organism's observable characteristics is their phenotype. A key difference between phenotype and genotype is that, whilst genotype is inherited from an organism's parents, the phenotype is not. Whilst a phenotype is influenced the genotype, genotype does not equal phenotype
In evolutionary theory, adaptation is the biological mechanism by which organisms adjust to new environments or to changes in their current environment. The idea of natural selection is that traits that can be passed down allow organisms to adapt to the environment better than other organisms of the same species
a. hox genes.
HOX genes have the following functions:
- HOX genes are the homeobox subset.
- They specify the areas of the embryo's body plan along the animal head-tail axis.
- They are encoding Hox proteins that specify the position characteristics and ensure that the right structures form at the right position in the body.
- They regulate high-level executive genes, such as transcription factors and intracellular signaling molecules, which adhere, number, form, and growth to cells.
The vertebrates are highly preserved.
The clusters and other genes occur uninterrupted.
Evolutionary, the heterogeneous regulatory areas between the genes most previously present are larger and more preserved than those present at the other ends of the clusters.
The characteristical feature is that these are homeodomain proteins with a highly preserved area of DNA binding encoded with homeobox gens.