In biology, biotic components can be described as the living components of an ecosystem. Abiotic components can be described as the non-living components of an ecosystem. Both, the biotic and abiotic factors are important in maintaining a stable ecosystem whether it be a terrestrial ecosystem or an aquatic ecosystem.
Some of the abiotic factors which affect the distribution of the aquatic life are:
- <em>Amount of light: </em>The area which will receive more light will result in greater biodiversity. This is because there will be more number of plants in this area of the water and more plants means that there will be more aquatic animals present to feed on these plants.
- <em>Water flow rate: </em>Some organisms in the water are sensitive to high flow rate. More diversity will be seen in areas where the water flow is stable.
- <em>Temperature: </em>Although many of the fishes are cold-blooded, yet there will be greater diversity where the temperature will be moderate.
Some of the biotic factors which affect the distribution of the aquatic life are:
- <em>Predators: </em>If there are more number of predators than the preys, then the prey diversity will have a serious threat.
- <em>Aquatic plants: </em>There will be more aquatic biodiversity in the areas where there will be more aquatic plants.
Las paredes externas de una casa o un automóvil brindan una barrera fuerte e inflexible que protege a sus habitantes humanos de un mundo externo rudo e impredecible. Podría esperarse que el límite externo de una célula viva estuviera construido de una barrera igual de fuerte e impenetrable porque también debe proteger su delicado contenido interno ante un ambiente no vivo y a menudo inhospitalario. Sin embargo, las células están separadas del mundo externo por una estructura delgada y frágil llamada membrana plasmática que sólo mide 5 a 10 nm de espesor. Se requerirían casi 5 000 membranas plasmáticas apiladas una sobre otra para igualar el grosor de una sola página de este libro.
A way of growing crop or pasture from year to year without disturbing the soil through tillage
<span>Laryngotracheobronchitis or croup is a disease that caused by viral infection. The virus could be influenza or parainfluenza virus. The infection will cause edema of the trachea and might obstruct the airway, causing difficulty in breathing.
</span>In this case, nurse should take attention to the patient airway and breathing. Patient with dypneu should be given oxygen and racemic epinephrine nebulized. Corticosteroid also help to reduce the swelling such as dexamethasome or budesonide inhalation.