If a company has a bad reputation of allowing the sale of counterfeit goods, buyers will not trust the site and will not buy from it.
Bank balance $59,549 Book balance $61,709
+ Deposit in transit $4,250 Interest earned $33
- Outstanding checks <u>$2,075</u> Bank service fees <u>$18</u>
Adjusted book <u>$61,724</u> <u>$61,724</u>
The correct answer is A. it relentlessly pursues an ambitious strategic objective, concentrating the full force of its resources and competitive actions on achieving that objective.
A strategic intention is the aspiration of a corporation that aims at its effective development in the long term, for this reason it must be an objective for which all personnel have appropriated. Normally, in order to reach this level, the company must go through a stage of recognition, analysis and projection where the market and growth expectations are taken into account in order to go in the best way for the benefit of both its internal and external users.
Therefore, An office is an important part of the organization in which different administrative and clerical functions are performed to achieve the objective of the organization. It has given importance to a functional area of business rather than a specific place. ... The office is the brain of an organization.