For a book you should use author, title, place, publisher, and date of publication. For a website you should use title of page, title of site, date of publication, organization, URL, and date of access. For a Magazine/Newspaper you should use author, title of article, name of magazine/newspaper, date of publication, and pages.
In this passage, Willis is expressing that literature is a message from the past telling us about the lives of those before us. We are told that these messages are trying to tell us how we live and how we die based on others experiences. Willis tries to explain this through a concerned, yet passionate tone that urges us, the readers, to learn from the mistakes and the fortunes of the lives of people before us. We can only do this through literature, as it is the gateway to seeing how the world works.
C allows her readers to suggest ideas for the St. Patrick's Day party, The others just talk about herself and don't really allow the readers to engage.
Close ended question
With open ended it might make them want to tell stories with close ended it makes them have limited things to say. Therefore getting you out quicker,