Sedimentary rocks get layered and they transform in Metamorphic rocks
Hutton´s Rock cycle is a fully cyclical process, which means it is an everlasting cycle.
Igneous Rocks are formed with the cooling of the magma and will eventually outcrop or be erupted by a volcano.
After igneous rocks are deposited and cooled by processes like weathering, erosion, and transportation take place, breaking down the rocks and forming sediments that usually end up in riversides. <u>In there these rocks are exposed to a series of erosional processes where they break down forming sediments on riverbeds or continue the river flow until they get deposited on the low basin</u>. After strong compaction and cementation sedimentary rocks are formed. These rocks get layered trough time and buried deep where there is an increase in pressure and heat which leads to the formation of Metamorphic rocks.
Metamorphic rocks are gradually buried and get to enough pressures that they start melting, transforming eventually on Magma. Then the cycle repeats.