Green Sprinkles
Pink Sprinkles is $3.20 per pound
Blue Sprinkles is $4.00 per pound
Green Sprinkles is $2.80 per pound
To solve for the inverse, just swap the x and y and solve for the new y.
Then inspect both functions for the domain.
In the original function, x has to be greater than or equal to 0 or else you would have a negative square root which is impossible.
The inverse function has no limitations as any x could make that true.
The main things that will limit domain is square root of negative or divide by zero.
Therefore, x>=0 is the only domain restriction.
The answer is 30.
You need to use sine here
since line AB and CD make all right angles (given) angles 6+7+8 will equal 90 degrees.
According to the verticle angles rule:
angle 2 is equal to angle 6
angle 3 is equal to angle 7
angle 4 is equal to angle 8.
which proves that angle 2+4+7=90 degrees