Words clause and brought have similar spelling: clause is spelled 'klawz', and brought is spelled 'brawt'. So, both are spelled with 'aw'. On the other hand, their meaning is different. Also, clause is a noun while brought is a verb. A clause is a syntactic construction that forms part of a sentence or is a whole simple sentence. Brought is simple past tense and past participle of 'bring'.
C. Individuals now have resources that governments did not have just a few years ago.
Computing is now ubiquitous. It is everyware.
$112 because 10 times 10 is one hundred , and then 6 people can fit in a raft so one would hold 6 people and the other would hold the remaining 4 and that's two rafts... 6+6=12 and 12+100 = 112
Answer: By having Gregor change into a bug at the beginning of the story. The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka tells the story of a clerk who one day wakes up and notices he has turned into a giant insect. The story begins at this point, which is a strategy used by Kafka in order to build suspense and excitement.
The theme for President Obama's speech was "Rescue, Rebuild, Restore – a New Foundation for Prosperity". Among the topics that Obama covered in his speech were proposals for job creation and federal deficit reduction.