<h2>1.45 + 3.55 = 5.0 (total blood volume); 1.45/5.0 × 100 = 29% (low),</h2>
HCT is calculated as:
HCT = Volume of red blood cells / (Volume of red blood cells + volume of plasma) x 100
1.45 + 3.55 = 5.0 (total blood volume); 1.45/5.0 × 100 = 29% (low), normal range for an adult female HCT ranges from 38 to 46% (some sources claim 34.9-44.5%).
*for calculating this, one must know two of these three values: packed cell volume, total blood volume, plasma volume.
Total blood volume = Packed cell volume + plasma volume.
Water molecule is present in air these airborne water molecule are called water vapor, when the molecules are present in air they don't normally stick together as the space is too much.
Bill Nye took a giant bottle and covered it with a stopper and started pressurizing it with a pump to make the molecules come closer and become compressed also it increase the temperature even slightly and that warmth will cause the liquid stick with the smoke particles to go back to forming as vapor.
After that he removed the lid then the air inside the bottle is spread out and it will eventually cool also the kinetically energy is also reduced and that cooled air sticks with dust particle which now forms cloud.
This experiment shows how the clouds are formed and the science associated with it.
El fitoplancton se basa en la cadena alimentaria marina. Sin embargo, el fitoplancton significa mucho más porque forman la base y la base de la cadena alimentaria marina. Se les conoce como fitoplancton porque dependen de la luz para el crecimiento y el sustento de la vida fuera del hábitat marino. Se sabe que son responsables del 50% de la fotosíntesis de la Tierra, por lo tanto, son cruciales para la supervivencia humana. Las algas son un grupo importante de fitoplancton. Otros ejemplos incluyen cianobacterias y diatomeas.
he developed and proposed the theory of evolution