<span>It is translucent materials. Translucent materials let the light to pass through but disseminated the light to the materials in a way that make objects on the opposite side appear blurred. Examples of translucent materials are frosted glass, oil paper, some plastics, ice and tissue paper.</span>
Microscopes are one of the laboratory tools used to maximize the visual acuity of a certain specimen, it maybe a living or non-living organism or object. Thus, microscopes are widely used in these laboratories to increase microscopic observation with entities that cannot be perceived thru the naked eye. However, for scientisits to determine such specimen is a living thing if there's a presence of cell. Cell cannot be viewed via the visual organs alone but with the microscope a living specimen can be discerned with its characteristics such as cellular structure, slight and fidgety movement and other particular details..
Apples are drawn to a massive object, like the earth, and fall down under a gravitational constant. On the other hand, planets revolve around a more massive object under the same premise. It’s the same idea, just one follows a linear path, and the other has a uniform circular motion path because other forces are acting on it. In other words, the planets ARE still falling, but the sun is also pulled by them so they just keep dancing.
(I know this, by experience :|)