Explanation: It depends can the electricity be produced with solar power
or wind power. If fossil fuels are only way to replace power produced by
hydroelectric power, it is not advisable not to take it off production.
Somewhere certain stairs or bypasses are done to fishes which are going upstream.
Darwin's theory of Natural Selection
1s2 2s2 2p4
1s2 2s2 2p4 es la configuración electrónica de la molécula de agua. En el agua, hay 10 electrones, dos de hidrógeno y ocho de oxígeno. La subcapa 2s contiene un máximo de 2 electrones, mientras que la capa 2p puede acomodar seis electrones. El átomo de hidrógeno pertenece al primer grupo y el átomo de oxígeno pertenece al sexto grupo de la tabla periódica. En la estructura de Lewis, un átomo de oxígeno está unido a dos átomos de hidrógeno en un ángulo de 104,45 grados. Existe un enlace covalente presente entre el hidrógeno y el átomo de oxígeno en el que ambos se vuelven estables. El oxígeno necesita dos electrones, por lo que forma enlaces con dos átomos de hidrógeno que tienen un electrón cada uno.
a seasonal prevailing wind in the region of South and Southeast Asia, blowing from the southwest between May and September and bringing rain (the wet monsoon ), or from the northeast between October and April (the dry monsoon ).
the rainy season accompanying the wet monsoon.
obesity increases blood pressure
This is because the high fat percentage in the body has lead to a build up of fat on the inside of arteries and this makes them thinner. the heart has to pump harder to get the blood around the body and through these, now smaller arteries. therefore yes having diabetes does increase blood pressure.
other factors which increase blood pressure are high stress levels, smoking, anxiety.