consumer responsibility. This is when consumers purchase goods that would not harm the environment or would not be hazardous to one’s health. They make healthy and environment-friendly choices in buying items that they need. These are usually people who are concerned about what they buy and how it would affect not only them but the area surrounding them.
the quantity of coal becomes more elastic
hope this helps you ☺️☺️
An unsecured loan certificate issued by a company, backed by general credit rather than by specified assets.ORa long-term security yielding a fixed rate of interest, issued by a company and secured against assets.
Seriously just google it
The answer is: meta-communicate that she was joking
Meta-communication is affected by the stimuli, so the verbal communication can have a different meaning.
One message accompanied by different meta-communication can mean totally different things, for example an irony.
When Susan winked at Rick (Susan meta-communicated by winking) her words meant the opposite.
Sales taxes and individual income taxes