Discs and the Internet are unreliable and often slow, and there's nothing quite as distracting as "<u>having this issue</u>" in the middle of a presentation.
Presentation is often a formal talk or sharing of ideas about a topic which can be on any field, matter, discovery, product, to an audience.
Since discs are used for optical storage, which allows data storage and data retrieval are very good to store information for presentation.
However, discs can be unreliable likewise the internet. As a disc is a computer hardware, it can be attacked by a computer virus thereby affecting the stored data, and the internet speed also varies across locations, all these can cause distractions in the middle of a presentation especially if one needs the disc and the internet to be able to render a presentation efficiently.
What was the net cash flow from operating activity? $959
Net Income 911
Addition to cash
Depreciation 47
Operation activities
Account Payable 15 Increase
Account receivables -28 Increase
Inventory 14 Decrease
Cash flow from
operating activities 959
Each of L team leaders has D group directors, making the total number of group directors equal to (L)(D). And each of those group directors has F fundraisers, again requiring multiplication: that total is (L)(D)(F). (You can try this by plugging in small numbers - if each of 2 leaders has 3 directors, you know there would be 6 directors)
So while statement 1 is not sufficient (there are multiple combinations that could get you to 81, such as L = 1, D = 2, and F = 39; or L = 1, D = 5, and F = 15), statement 2 guarantees that there is only one team leader. This is because 5 is a prime number, and you know that the number of group directors = LD. The only possible way for LD to equal 5 is if L is 1 and D is 5, or if D is 1 and L is 5. And since the stimulus tells you that there are more directors than leaders, the combination must be 5 directors and 1 leader. Accordingly, statement 2 is sufficient.
Traditionally, department stores sold both soft goods and hard goods. But now, most department stores focus almost exclusively on soft goods.
Soft goods refers generally to clothing and other textiles like bedding and fabrics.
Hard goods refers to a broad range of products like appliances, furniture, tools, electronics, etc.