We have 2 denominators that we need to get rid of. Whenever there are the denominators, all we have to do is multiply all whole equation with the denominators.
Our denominators are both 2 and x+1. Therefore, we multiply the whole equation by 2(x+1)
Then shorten the fractions.
Distribute in all.
We should get like this. Because the polynomial is 2-degree, I'd suggest you to move all terms to one place. Therefore, moving 2x+2 to another side and subtract.
We are almost there. All we have to do is, solving for x by factoring. (Although there are more than just factoring but factoring this polynomial is faster.)
Thus, the answer is x = 3, -2
The answer is the product of 3 and the product of 4 and 12
-1.8, -2.1, -2.5, -2.7
Step-by-step explanation:
the bigger the negative number, the smaller it is
The vertical line test is when you put vertical lines down the graph and if the point does not touch the line more than once, it passes and represents a function.
Step-by-step explanation:
2(p - q) + 5(p + q) ← substitute p = 7 and q = - 2 into the expression
= 2(7 - (- 2)) + 5(7 + (- 2))
= 2(7 + 2) + 5(7 - 2)
= 2(9) + 5(5)
= 18 + 25
= 43