Can you sent a picture of the answers
1.8461 km/hr Well i need more characters so i might as well type a beautiful sentence for you to read and waste your time on.
Symbolic representations are mental pictures that have no direct relationship to the actual object you are thinking about. Instead, these mental pictures are connected by themes that are meaningful to you. Anytime you think of words and descriptions for one main concept, you're thinking symbolically. Analogical representations are mental pictures that have a direct relationship to the actual object you are thinking about. Do cows have their ears on the top or side of their heads? Rather than thinking symbolically about a cow and his ears (tiny, smelly, leather), analogical representations of the cow's ears involve thinking of an actual cow in your head.
Closer to the sun . . . orbital speed is faster.
Farther from the sun . . . orbital speed is slower.
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