There are approximately 52 weeks in a given year, meaning that there are 52/2, or 26, biweekly pay periods. Therefore, we divide the annual salary of $55,500 by 26 biweekly pay periods to get $2,134.62 for the biweekly paycheck.
The formula is the annual amount divided by the number of periods. Here, there are 26 periods of biweekly (once every two weeks) paychecks.
Old Stock
The Dividend Reinvestment Plan is a platform where investors or shareholders in a company, reinvest the dividends they gained into more shares sold by the same company, most times without having to pay commissions.
Under the <em>Old stock dividend reinvestment plan, </em>an outside trustee, that is, a member of the board who is not an officer in the company, repurchases the company's existing shares in the stock market and then allocates the shares purchased among the stockholders. They sell the shares at market price. Most times, in order to encourage shareholders participation the company making the repurchase takes care of the commission fees.
Stocks is the type of investments that offers both capital gains and interest income.
Coke tried to diversify into the bottling industry by acquiring their bottlers and in the process creating a vertically integrated business. However, 5 years later, they did find out how difficult it was and it led to a failed diversification effort when sold off their bottling operations. This was majorly due to the fact that the bottling business required too much capital investment and time. Capital investment and time that an already large enterprise like coca cola couldn't afford at that period. The initial aim was to have control over the whole production process, but soon after the diversification failed, they went back to producing just the concentrates.
In Ghana. In the late spring 1970 Steve Reich went to Ghana to think about drumming. With a travel concede from the Special Projects division of the Institute of International Education, he advanced toward Accra keeping in mind the end goal to think about with Gideon Alorworye, the inhabitant ace drummer of the Ghana Dance Ensemble.