Two types of grammatical errors that nonnative speakers of English tend to make are:
- Substitution of a simple form of a verb for all tenses
English can be hard to learn as a second language, specially when it comes to learning irregular verb forms for all tenses. For example, the verb <em>drink</em> changes in all tenses: <em>drank</em> (past simple) and<em> drunk</em> (past participle).
As a consequence, nonnative speakers tend to use the simplest form of the verb, as in: <em><u>Yesterday</u></em><em> I </em><em><u>drink</u></em><em> orange juice for breakfast*. </em>Here, drink was used instead of drank, which is the correct form of the verb for the past simple tense.
2. Omision of an article
Since virtually every rule for the use of articles in English has many exceptions or subrules, and the interactions that occur when two or more rules apply can be very difficult to predict, nonnative also tend to omit articles <em>a/an</em> or <em>the</em> as in <em>I threw ball*</em> . Here, for instance, it is important to learn about countability, that is, if the noun phrase following the article is countable or not. <u>Ball</u> is the noun phrase in the given example and it is strongly countable in this context. Therefore, the correct use would be <em>I threw the ball.</em>
- Regarding the use of ain't in place of other contracted forms when speaking English as a second language, it is a less common grammatical error since it is <u>informal</u> English.
- While substitution of one part of speech for another can occur, this is not the most common grammatical error made by nonnative English speakers.
I think the answer would be D
chemicals are deadly- the author had stated his/her opinion strongly, they cause the reader to be scared of chemicals by using a very effective word "deadly"
Chemicals are dangerous for plants and animals, too- the author states a fact showing that it is dangerous for things that we eat. This builds up their argument because it is showing that we are in danger because of it
will pollute the earth and make everyone sick.- this is warning people on what can happen using the words pollute and sick is very effective because pollute means to much of it and it is just their and will continue to build up and make people sick
Do yourself and the environment a favor and kick chemicals to the curb- this phrase shows people that getting rid of chemicals is helping us and our environment so there shouldn't be a reason to fear getting rid of chemicals and that it isn't a necessity.
<span>The purpose of the article, “The
Aqua Lung: Bringing Ocean Exploration to
New Depths,” is to inform. It is an
informative article. Like the title
suggests, the aqua lung did bring undersea exploration to new depths (which is
a pun, by the way), by manner of making exploration available to “ordinary
people.” The way you can determine what
the purpose is in an article is by looking at the beginning first couple of
paragraphs as well as the ending paragraph.
The beginning, as you know, will have the thesis (or topic), and this is
where you’ll get the clues with regard to what the point of the writing is. As you may probably also know, the ending (or
conclusion) is where the thesis/topic will be reiterated. As such, you’ll be looking for what is said
twice—at the beginning and at the end. In the beginning, it is noted that the Aqua Lung “made it possible
for more people to explore the ocean’s depths.” And, in the ending it states
that “Cousteau’s greatest legacy as a conservationist may have been giving
ordinary people the tools needed to view the wonders of the ocean firsthand.” </span>