Multi cellular organisms are composed of many cells whereas unicellular organisms are composed of single cell. Multicellularity is indeed a progressive attribute of evolution where cells form tissue which forms organ and then organ system and finally an organism. Both multi cellular and unicellular organisms has advantages and disadvantages of their own. One of the main disadvantage of multi cellular organisms is that due to such a complex composition and functioning they require a large amount of energy for their maintenance and survival. Different organs and system require a huge amount of energy when it comes to comparison with unicellular organisms. A large amount of energy is also wasted in all these life processes. Though multi cellular organisms can survive in a variety of environmental conditions but then also their survival is difficult than any unicellular organism.
Decision making and emotion; memory and visual processing
Cingulate Cortex is a subcortical structure above the corpus callosum. its anterior (Forward) segment participates in decision making and emotion, and its posterior (rear) segment participates in memory and visual processing.
-The forward 2/3 of this structure, the ACC: anterior cingulate cortex- participates along with the hypothalamus in the control of the autonomic nervous system (also roles in decision making, emotion, anticipation of reward, and empathy)
The rear third, PCC: Posterior cingulate cortex participates in memory and visual processing.
<span>The point beneath the surface where rock breaks and an earthquake is produced is known as the focus.</span>