Whenever you want to find the percent of something, you need to turn the percent into a decimal. In this case, we need to find 115% of the wholesale price because there is a markup, so the cost will be higher.
115% as a decimal is 1.15. Here is how the equation will be set up:
$165 • 1.15 = $189.75
No rounding is necessary for this problem because it is already to the nearest cent.
so what you do is take your $180 money amount and then divide it by your 15 or 12 dollar money amount and you should get your answer also your "answer" for the things you gave us is
Step-by-step explanation: any value of d makes the equation true. By simplifying the right side, we get -d + 4, which is the same as 4 - d, so we essentially get 4 - d = 4 - d.