Answer: Three things are missing:
i) Graph title.
ii) Label for the vertical axis.
iii) The scale and the units for the horizontal axis.
1) Find the graph in the image attached.
2) What does the graph represent? You cannot tell because it does not show the tittle.
Since you are told in the statement that it is a temperature and volume graph, the appropiate title would be:
Temperature vs. Volume.
3) The vertical axis also must be properly labeled, including the units.
A good label for the vertical axis of this graph might be: Volume (cm³). It migh also be liters, gallons, or other volume unit.
4) Although the horizontal axis is labeled, it does not indicate the units and the scale. So, you know neither if the temperature shown is celsius, (°C), farenheti (°F), kelvin (K), or rankine (R) (those are the four major scales of temperature), nor how much each division represent (1, 5, 10, 10, 50, 100?)