Put your accounts on private <3
When Kafka was ill, he wrote a letter to Max Brod telling him to burn his unpublished manuscripts. However, Max ignored the letter and published Kafka's manuscripts.
Jocelyn decided to take a vacation to Luke's farm for the rest of the summer, but Clary was upset about this. She did not want to leave. Instead, she stormed out of the apartment, and went the Eric's poetry slam. There, with Simon, she meets Jace again. I won't spoil it for you, but if you have any more questions about this book, just PM me!
B, D and E are correct
A) means that you are already writing the essay and just citing more information, so wrong
B) means that you need to figure out what you are writing, so yes
C) means that you already did research and are putting it into your essay, so wrong
D) means you are graphing out how you are going to write your essay. so yes
E) means that you are looking over all your information and are getting ready to write it into your essay, so yes