This will take long to answer.
A). He
B). They
C). We
D). It
E). She
F). It
G). He
H). He
I). They
J). She
A). Him
B). Them
C). Him
D). It
E). Him
F). Them
G). Us
I am not going to finish the whole thing, because it will take up most of my time, but I tried to finish as much as I could
B. Sadly, even after that water is found, only some of IT'S clean and safe.
Dramatic irony is where the reader or watcher knows something that the character does not.
Unimportant to a given topic.
According to the chart the prefix irr means not. Hence the "not" important ( relevant, the base of the word means important to a given topic)
b: the use of loaded words leaves readers with a bad feeling about the people who oppose rbST
Loaded words like "so-called", "stirred up", and "extremists" are chosen for the purpose of creating bias against supporters of animal rights. The negative feelings these words create do not make one feel either superior or encouraged to join animal rights activists.