I believe the correct answer is the hind brain.
Also called the rhomboencephalon, the hind brain is the posterior portion of the brain and consists of the pons, the medulla oblangata and the cerebellum. Its functions are very essential for the survival of the person and they control mostly the autonomous functions that includes respiration, the heart rhythm and sleeping rhythm.
<h2>Further Explanation:</h2><h3>Medulla oblangata:</h3>
This is the buldging part of the brain that links the brain to the brain stem (spinal cord). It receives signals from the spinal cord and transmits them to the higher regions of the body for processing. It also is in charge of controlling autonomous functions that are involuntary such as the cardiac rhythm and also the respiration of an individual. It acts as a relay center for the brain. It also controls vasometric functions that include dilation and contraction of blood vessels in the body in response to homeostatic control.
This is the largest part of the brain stem that causes it to bulge. They are 2 each on either side of the medulla and function solely as relay centers. They relay messages from the cortex to the cerebellum and also back to the cortex of the cerebrum. They also control the Rapid Eye Movement sleep cycle. It is superior to the medulla and also anterior to the bigger cerebellum which it connects with.
This is the largest part of the hind brain and also consists a bigger percentage in weight and volume of the whole brain. It sits in the occipital region of the brain. It gives the body balance and also ensures there is proper muscle coordination in the body. In that light, it controls the voluntary functions of the body such as walking, singing, swimming, riding and writing.
<h2>Learn More:</h2>
Learn more about the brain: brainly.com/question/12922311?source=aid8188722
Learn more about the medulla oblangata: brainly.com/question/9287944
Learn more about the nervous system: brainly.com/question/310282?source=aid8188722
Level: High School
Subject: Biology
Topic: The Brain
Keywords: Medulla, Cerebellum, Brain, Pons