OK, so for this equation, your goal is to get the d, and ONLY the d, on one side of the equation. So, to start out, you need to multiply the entire equation, meaning both sides, by 8 because we are trying to get rid of those pesky fractions.
The equation then turns into this because the 8 and 4 cancelled out with the 8.
Now, we need to distribute the left over numbers into the parenthesis.
And finally, we need to get the d's on one side, and the numbers on the other, so we subtract 2d from both sides and add the 2 to both sides. They then cancel out to make
Hope it helps! :)
No Solution
Step-by-step explanation:
There are no values of x that make the equation true.
A. p(x) = 19x - 15
Step-by-step explanation:
<u>→Set it up, like so:</u>
<u />
<u>→Add like terms (25x and -6x):</u>
<u />
Answer: I am going to put a link
maybe its going to help you?
Step-by-step explanation:
4(180)= 720 degrees
add all the angles together and you get 595
720-595= 125 degrees (this is what x is)
pretty much the formula at the bottom is to figure out the sum of all interior angles, which is how i got 720.