There are four phyla or categories of fish, Hagfish, lampreys, cartilaginous and bonyfish.
It depends on the battlefield.
sea going crocodile would win in the sea while jaguar would win on land.
<h3><u>Connective tissue:</u></h3>
It is the layer under the epithelial tissue in the body. It is stronger than epithelial tissue and is found in many organs. It provides protection.
<h3><u>Epithelial tissue:</u></h3>
It covers the outside of the body like a veil. located in the outermost part of the body. Protects the body against microbes and infections.
<h3><u>Muscle tissue:</u></h3>
It is located in the joint areas and forms the support and movement system. It allows us to make bodily movements.
<h3><u>Nervous tissue:</u></h3>
It is the fastest communication tissue. It allows us to feel pain and the sense of touch. It is impossible to repair this tissue after it is damaged. It causes paralysis. It is very important as it plays a role in the activity of neural transmission.
As one goes up the other does as well for the first 2 but they aren't proportional (it is not simple cause and effect as there is a lot of factors)
The last question is to decrease their emissions as rising temperature is being effected by rising CO2 levels and rising temperature can cause a feedback loop causing more rising temperature