22% Thymine
There should be 22% Thymine because of Thymine pairs with Adenine, which on the table is shown to be 22%. (the complementary base pair are always equal). and the same would apply to Guanine (28%) and cytosine (28%).
Pleiotropy occurs when one gene influences multiple, seemingly unrelated phenotypic traits. A single gene is responsible for pigmentation and hearing.
An intermediate is a species which appears in the mechanism of a reaction, but not in the overall balanced equation. Examples: Amphibian/land vertebrate (Pederpes)- Intermediate form between primary aquatic Upper Devonian amphibians and early tetrapods. Lizard/snake (Pachyrhachis)—Intermediate form of snakes and an extinct lizard-like reptile. It was a primitive snake with limbs.
Add native plants to a suburban garden because you are adding already flourishing wildlife
Sea Urchins are primary consumers because they eat the kelp
Sun -> Grass -> Rabbit because grass lives off of photosynthesis from the sun and rabbit eats the grass
I think there would be more biomass in grass because there is a lot more spread throughout the savannah while elephants are way bigger there is less of them.