Radio waves. Giant satellite-dish antennas pick up long-wavelength, high-frequency radio waves. ...
Microwaves. Because cosmic microwaves can't get through the whole of Earth's atmosphere, we have to study them from space. ...
Infrared. ...
Visible light. ...
Ultraviolet light. ...
X rays. ...
Gamma rays.
Mass number - ⦁ The number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom.
Isotopes - ⦁ Atoms with the same number of protons, but different number of neutrons.
Nitrogen - ⦁ The name of the element with atomic number 7.
Atomic number - ⦁ The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom.
%d is a format specifier that is a placeholder for an int value. It tells the compiler that we want to print an integer value that is present in variable a. In this way there are several format specifiers in c.
The answer is cardiovascular.
This graph shows data up to about 2010. So it couldn't have been drawn before 2010. OF COURSE the data from only 10 years earlier was more reliable than the data that was 120 years old ! It wasn't even measured the same way back then as it is now.