The longest period of time is 11 minutes and 35 seconds.
Remains as snake is a cold blooded animal
The answer is the cerebrum.
The brain consists of the following parts; the cerebrum, cerebellum and the brainstem.
The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain located in front. It has two large hemispheres joined by the corpus callosum. The cerebrum has four lobes including frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes. Functions include: initiation and coordination of movement, memory, touch, hearing etc
The brainstem is composed of the midbrain, the pons, and the medulla. Controls involuntary muscle movements, cardiac function, sneezing etc.
The cerebellum located at the back of the head has two hemispheres. It is controls voluntary muscle movement, posture, balance and equilibrium.
An example of this analogy might be that the surrounding the central dogma which is compared to making yout mum's recipe for brownies.
First, you ought to call your mum, she stands for the DNA. Then, you pay attention in listening and copying down her instructions. This is can be compared to transcription because during transcription, DNA is copied to mRNA.
Any mistake you do during listening and copying leads to mutation caused by insertion or omission.