There were several problems that the Church faced during
this period. There was the Black Death
which ravaged Europe and caused the deaths of thousands of people. There was the transfer of the Papal Seat from
Italy to Avignon, France that gave an indication that the French now had power
of over the Papal Seat. This led to
elections of various popes known as the Great Schism where there was now
conflict within the Church.
D. Purpose or the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.
If this were a question on my test, I'd probably go for tolerant or sentimental. I'd probably go for sentimental, because if the sentence had a more tolerant tone, it would say something like "My car isn't the greatest, but I can live with it".
As excited as a kid in a candy shop
As excited as a kid at Disney World
Excited like a soda about to explode
Courage because rikki whent into nagainas hole and killed her and the egg