Infrared rays are felt <span>as heat is transferred between Earth and the atmosphere</span>
Region of the World Percentage Value in Metric tons
North America 17 23,332,500
Asia 52 71,370,000
Africa 3 4,117,500
Europe 18 24,705,000
Latin America and the Caribbean 8 10,980,000
Oceania <u> 2</u> <u> 2,745,000</u>
100 137,250,000
We multiply the 137.25 million metric tons by its percentage to get its equivalent value in metric tons.
Asia uses 71.37 million metric tons.
In making the bar graph, The vertical line will be the percentage and the horizontal line will be the region. Bars of each region should have different colors for easy identification. Spaces between bars should be present, so that the bar graph will not be confused with the histogram.
As blood pressure increases and the hearts is working harder the most vulnerable arteries area are those <u>Located near the heart, because they are absorbing the most shock.</u>
When the heart pumps blood, the highest pressure is felt close to the heart. This is why the aorta, the artery that carries blood away from the heart is made up of thick walls to withstand this pressure, otherwise, these vessels would rupture. Away from the heart, this pressure lessens, and the blood vessels are not so thick-walled.
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