Ep = 3924 [J]
To calculate this value we must use the definition of potential energy which tells us that it is the product of mass by the acceleration of gravity by height.
Ep = potential energy [J] (units of Joules)
m = mass = 40 [kg]
g = gravity acceleration = 9.81 [m/s²]
h = elevation = 10 [m]
B. parents
one of the conclusions from Einsteins relativity theory for his equation E= (where E is energy, m is mass and C is the speed of light),
is that time moves relative to the observer. Time moves more slowly when the observer is in motion (time dilation), therefore an individual in motion ages more slowly than someone at rest. This in fact happened when astronaut Scot Kelly spent nearly a year on board the international space station and on his return, his twin brother had aged slightly faster than him. In conclusion, if a space trip finds a son or daughter is biologically older than his or her parents, the space trip was taken by the parents.
Something to do with how the suns magnetic field interacts with the surface plasmas I think.
I think is between A&B
I think I would answer B