(705/224) / (224/224)
224/224 = 1.
So (705/224) / (224/224) = (705/224) / (1/1).
Dividing 2 fractions is equal to multiplying the first fraction by the inverse of the second:
(705/224) / (1/1) = (705/224) * (1/1) = 705/224.
Hope this Helps! :)
The answer is actually
<em>increased variation in tail feather color because the selection pressure has been relieved</em>
<em />
<em>Good luck!</em>
For the given situation above, I'm afraid I cannot answer your question since a pedigree chart isn't provided along with the question. You can resubmit your question together with the chart and we'll analyze it. Thank you for posting though. Here is what pedigree analysis is about.
Scientists have devised an approach, called pedigree analysis<span>, to study the inheritance of genes in humans. Pedigree analysis is also useful when studying any population when progeny data from several generations is limited. Pedigree analysis is also useful when studying species with a long generation time.</span>
A detritivore, also known as a detrivore, are heterotrophs or decomposers that act as nature's recyclers and feed on dead organic material/remains
Q1 is A
Q2 Is A
Q3 is A
Cool! All A's