The denominator must be the same, so just think of the LEAST COMMON MULTIPLE, The LCM here is 8, because you can multiply 4 by 2 to get 8.
so when you multiply, you multiply both on the top and on the bottom, so this would be:
3 x 2 / 4 x 2 = 6 / 8
Now you can add or subtract: 6/8 - 1/8 = 5/8
Probability = 0
Step-by-step explanation:
If something happening is impossible, it's probability of occurring is also 0.
A deck of cards only contains 4 jacks.
Thus you can never get 6 jacks out of the deck without replacing the selected card each time.
Since we are not replacing the cards once we pick them, this event is impossible to occur.
a. 1 b. 3/5 or 60%
Step-by-step explanation:
number of favourable events/number of total events
3x/5x = 3/5