To find the values of the motor efficiency you use the following formula:
P_o: output power = 864J/0.5min=864J/30s=28.8W
P_i: input power = I*V = (3A)(12V) = 36W
By replacing this values you obtain:
hence, the motor efficiency is about 96%
Pentru a găsi valorile eficienței motorului, utilizați următoarea formulă:
P_o: putere de ieșire = 864J / 0.5min = 864J / 30s = 28.8W
P_i: putere de intrare = I * V = (3A) (12V) = 36W
Înlocuind aceste valori obțineți:
prin urmare, eficiența motorului este de aproximativ 96%
By copying their genomes, they retain the tool kit and at the same time generate a garage full of spare parts. Gene duplication can provide the raw material for expression changes to occur, and polyploidy itself can trigger epigenetic changes
Answer:The specific heat capacity of water is 4,200 joules per kilogram per degree Celsius (J/kg°C). This means that it takes 4,200 J to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1°C.
That is the mst best eway to find its solution.
37.4/2.2*10^3 = 0.017 gm/liter or 1.7*10^-2
so we conclude that option b is sorrect