T --> A
A --> U (only with rna, when its not rna its T)
C--> G (vice versa)
Biomes consists of moving water is estuaries.
Mitochondria - The mitochondria is referred to as the power house of the cell. Its main function if to produceenergy for cell by the process of cellular respiration. The energyproduced is ATP. Endoplasmic Reticulum - It is a network for transportation of certain substances in and out of the nucleus.
There are many things that can be considered as a limiting factor such as water supply, competition, habitat space et cetera.
These factors affects the carrying capacity of the given environment. The human beings, animals uses food, space and water as their basic need.
These can affect the population of the organism if any of given components are presented in a limited amount.
The example of limiting factor that is human being to control the carrying capacity is food, space and water.