One of the most general forms of discomfort or pain one feels at the time of strenous work out is a burning sensation in the muscles or lungs, which goes away after some time, that is, after stopping the activity. This is a result of an accumulation of lactic acid.
Lactic acid is a by-product of the procedure the body goes through when it requires to generate energy more briskly that it does usually, like when one exercises.
The muscles functioning generally produce energy aerobically, that is, by using oxygen, however, when one push himself or herself at the time of workout and enough oxygen is not accessible, then these muscles start producing energy anaerobically, resulting in production of lactic acid as a by-product and ultimately causing burning sensation.
Continuous variations are formed due to chance segregation of genes during gamete formation, crossing over and chance combination during fertilization. They can increase adaptability of the race but cannot form new species.
The given question is incomplete question as it lack essential part of question which is :
Ex: Write a hypothesis about the worms and lima bean plants. Be sure to answer the lab question.
The correct answer would be : If plants grow in soil with worms, then growth of the lima bean plant will be greater due to worms helps in decomposing organic matter.
In this hypothesis the one species benefits other species in the same ecosystem they both exist. According to the hypothesis presence of the worms helps in the growth of the lima bean plants.
Dependent variable is a variable that depends on change in independent variable. Here the change in the presence of worms affects the growth of the bean plants so, the dependent variable is bean plant and the independent variable is presence of the worms.
Thus, the correct answer is : If plants grow in soil containing worms, then plant growth will be greater, because worms help decompose organic matter
The endosymbiotic hypothesis concerns the origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts, two organelles contained within various eukaryotic cells. According to this hypothesis, these organelles originated as separate prokaryotic organisms that were taken inside a primordial eukaryotic cell.