Natae Si Jordan Kaya Sya Napaihe
They can have a close similar appearance to the parents, have close relation of child reactions.
for example, everyone born in my father's side of the family had the tendency to bump their head on something as they fall asleep up to the point when you are a toddler.
a=2 ok do it and ........
Take into account that in a standing wave, the frequency f of the points executing simple harmonic motion, is simply a multiple of the fundamental harmonic fo, that is:
f = n·fo
where n is an integer and fo is the first harmonic or fundamental.
fo is given by the length L of a string, in the following way:
fo = v/λ = v/(L/2) = 2v/L
becasue in the fundamental harmonic, the length of th string coincides with one hal of the wavelength of the wave.
Compression Test
The Specimen is undergoing a compression test. It is similar to tensile test with the difference that the force is compressive and applied along the direction of stress. Both Tensile and compression tests are performed on Universal Testing machine. Compression test is done to determine the product's reaction when it is compressed, squashed and crushed.