(a) The temperature at a specific location as a function of time.
This is a continuous function as the temperature cannot increase in an instant like time.
(b) The temperature at a specific time as a function of the distance due west from New York City.
This is a continuous function as the temperature in one location is affected by its neighboring places.
(c) The altitude above sea level as a function of the distance due west from New York City.
The altitude above sea level can be discontinuous at a cliff, or continuous at very deep hole.
(d) The cost of a taxi ride as a function of the distance traveled.
This is a discontinuous function as the cost still raises if you make a stop.
(e) The current in the circuit for the lights in a room as a function of time.
This is a discontinuous function as the function takes the value of 0 when the switch is off and 1 when the switch is on.
The electron traveling speed makes this discontinuous.