That’s and opinion that only you can answer. Do you enjoy being with your family, do you like guests over, do u like a friend coming over or u going to a friends
“Sheep’s tail” is a singular possessive noun because the apostrophe signals that the sheep is in possession of its own tail.
Rory is following the “<u>zoo</u> approach” to intercultural encounters.
When using the "zoo approach" to interact with a different culture, the individual observes this new culture the same way they would observe animals in a zoo; everything is exotic, foreign, different, and the humans at the other side of the cage are normal and free while the animals are the ones who are locked in their ways. However, even though this approach can sometimes be positive and teach interesting information, it is a limited perspective.
Quoting the book "<em>Ethics in intercultural and international Communication</em>", by Fred L. Casmir: "<em>One may discover amazing, interesting and valuable information by using such a perspective and even develop a real fondness for those exotic people, but miss the point that we are as culturally "caged" as others and that they are culturally as "free" as we are.</em>"
Based on that passage, I'd say the young man is active because he's jogging, and friendly he smiled in encouragement to elderly men. Nothing in the passage indicates that he is either intelligent or snobbish.