B. increased precipitation upwind of the city
The urban heat island effect, causes increased in the precipitation of upwind in the city. The warmer temperatures in cities, creates unstable air which leads to rain. Air is unstable when it is warmer than the air around it. The warm, unstable air starts to rise. The air cools as it rises, which allows water vapor within it to condense and form clouds. If the warm, rising air was carrying enough water vapor, those clouds can grow into rainclouds.
Biogenesis has permitted rapid advances in our understanding of structural macromolecules from living cells. Biogenesis theory was first coined by Rudolph Virchow and countered the claim of organisms being in existence according to the Big Bang Theory technique. Biogenesis involves the study of how organisms evolved from smaller ones to become complex.
Biokinetics deals with ways to maintain a healthy body through physical activities. Bio thermodynamics deals with the flow of energy in a biological system while Bioinformatics deals with the use of computer and technology in data analysis.