16. Control group: Subject A
17. Independent (manipulated) variable: Type of powder
18. Dependent variable: Itching time
19. Explain whether the data supports the advertisement´s claims about its product. Yes, it does.
- Control group: The control group is used to identify if there are any other factors influencing the results obtained by the treatment in the study (in this case, the new product), from the results that might be a consequence of other factors. The control group must be selected from the same population as the treatment group. Data from an experimental group are compared with the data from a control group. These two groups are identical in all aspects except for the independent variable that the researcher changes in the experimental group to observe how they affect the individuals.
The experimental group is the one that receives the experimental procedure, with changes in the independent variable. There can be several experimental groups. In this case, the experimental group is subject B.
- Independent (manipulated) variable: Refers to all the variables in an experiment that provoke a response in another variable. An independent variable is the one that changes or is controlled and modified in the experiment to analyze how another variable responds to it. It changes to analyze its effects on the dependent variable. Usually, the independent variable is represented by the X letter. In the exposed example, the type of powder is the independent variable.
- Dependent variable: Refers to the variable, which response depends on any change in the independent variable. It represents a quantity of something which value depends on how the independent variable is modified. The change in the dependent variable might be proportional or inversely proportional to the change in the manipulated variable. It is usually identified by the letter Y. In the exposed example, inching time is the dependent variable, that depends on the type of powder used.
- The data <u>does support</u> the advertisement´s claims about its product. The effect of the new product lasts 50% more than the original product. The old powder produced itching for 30 minutes, while the new product produced itching for 45min (15 more minutes, 50% more).
<span>A. Stimulus is the term used to describe what causes organisms to react to their environment. Stimulus is something that can provoke organisms to respond to the world around them. For example, if you put your hand on the stove, the stove is going to be the stimulus for you to get burned and move your hand from it because it will be to hot - that is going to be your reaction to the stimulus. Camouflage is a type of hiding mechanism, parasites are organisms, and homeostasis is equilibrium in an organism. </span>
Your bloodstream.
The cells in your pancreas produce insulin which needs to be sent to the rest of your body to tell your cells to take in glucose (sugar) for energy. In order to get sent out of the pancreas' cells, the insulin needs to go through your bloodstream.
C because limiting factor can’t grow to it’s biotic!
La respuesta es C. Aurícula derecha – ventrículo derecho y aurícula izquierda – ventrículo izquierdo.
El corazón, órgano encargado de bombear sangre, se divide en dos secciones principales, cada una con una función. La primera es la cavidad derecha también llamada el corazón derecho, esta estructura incluye el ventrículo derecho y la aurícula derecha; además, esta sección recibe sangre no oxigenada y la bombea hacia los pulmones. Lo que es necesario para oxigenar la sangre. La segunda cavidad es la izquierda o corazón izquierdo que incluye el ventrículo y la aurícula izquierda; además, esta sección del corazón difiere de la cavidad derecha porque distribuye la sangre al resto del cuerpo.