Numerator is 57.
denominator is 78
therefore, the fraction is numerator/denominator (to the nearest tenth) = 73.1%
we use the interest formula. 4000*1.03^11=1.38423387*4000=5536.93548, or 5536.94.
The measure of ∠1 is also <span>93° because vertically opposite angles are equal.</span>
Yeah post the questions I'll see if I can answer them
I think it's 7
Step-by-step explanation:
-6 < 2T (-5+5) < 3+5
-6 < 2T < 8
+6 < 2T < 8 + 6
0 < 2T < 14
0 < ÷ 2 < ÷ 2
0 < T < 7
-0 < T < -0
T = 7