Nearest 100: 543,800
Nearest 1,000: 544,800
Nearest 10,000: 540,800
The absolute value of -200 is 200
Started out with 32/32. They ate 18/32, 32-18=14; 14/32. To simplify, 7/16 was left.
<h2><em><u>x = 5</u></em></h2>
11 - x < 7
- 11 minus a number is less than 7
<em>Insert 5 into the equation</em>
11 - 5 < 7
6 < 7
<em>Insert 3 into the equation</em>
11 - 3 < 7
8 < 7
<h3><u><em>x = 5 is a solution to the equation 11 - x </em></u><u>< 7</u></h3><h3><u /></h3>
- PacificNorthwest
12.6803 would be the answer hope you get your homework/quiz 100%