Answer: After consolidation, long-term memories are stored throughout the brain as groups of neurons that are primed to fire together in the same pattern that created the original experience, and each component of a memory is stored in the brain area that initiated it (e.g. groups of neurons in the visual cortex store a sight, neurons in the amygdala store the associated emotion, etc).
e. staphylococcal enterotoxin
Staphylococcal enterotoxin is a toxin that is produced by the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. It is a toxin found inside the gastrointestinal tracts of the human body which is why it is called an enterotoxin and it results in food poisoning when consumed by humans.
Staphylococcal enterotoxin is proteinous in nature and it can be found on dairy products such as milk or cheeses that have been contaminated by Staphylococcus aureus.
After consumption of the contaminated milk or cheeses, the person begins to experience symptoms of nausea, diarrhea as well as vomiting.
Staphylococcal enterotoxin is a very heat stable toxin which means even though you heat up a food contaminated with this toxin, the bacteria may die by the toxins would still remain in the food.
The best way to avoid food poisoning by Staphylococcal enterotoxin is to avoid eating contaminated foods.
Nonpoint-source pollution is the opposite of point-source pollution, with pollutants released in a wide area. As an example, picture a city street during a thunderstorm. As rainwater flows over asphalt, it washes away drops of oil that leaked from car engines, particles of tire rubber, dog waste, and trash. The runoff goes into a storm sewer and ends up in a nearby river. Runoff is a major cause of nonpoint-source pollution. It is a big problem in cities because of all the hard surfaces, including streets and roofs. The amount of pollutants washed from a single city block might be small, but when you add up the miles and miles of pavement in a big city you get a big problem.
In rural areas, runoff can wash sediment from the roads in a logged-over forest tract. It can also carry acid from abandoned mines and flush pesticides and fertilizer from farm fields. All of this pollution is likely to wind up in streams, rivers, and lakes.
Airborne pollutants are major contributors to acid rain. It forms in the atmosphere when sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides combine with water. Because acid rain results from the long-range movement of those pollutants from many factories and power plants, it is considered nonpoint-source pollution.
I only know this from prior science classes