The major types of industries that make up the business market are agriculture industry, forestry industry, mining industry, manufacturing industry ; construction industry and transportation industry; communication industry, banking, finance and insurance industry.
a) Agricultural industry entails group of firms involving in rearing of animal and growing of both cash crop or food crop either majorly for commercial purpose / use
b) Forestry industries are group of firm who specialize in afforestation and deforestation of trees with a goal of maintaining environmental well-being, majorly for commercial purpose
c) Mining industry are industry who specialize in extraction from the soil raw materials required by other industries. Extraction like crude oil, Coal
d) Manufacturing industry are group of firm whose main objectives is to process raw material into finish good for use by the market and for commercials industry.
e) Transport industry are industry that specialize in movement of people and cargo from one destination to another through land, rail, sea or road
f) Construction industry specializes in buildings of building, roads, bridges and other structure for commercial
and personal use.
g) Communication industry specializes in enabling individual to transmit information from his end to another end.. It ranges from Media to Internet and Phone as all these fall under communication community.
h) Banking, Finance and Insurance industry are industry who accept deposit, gives loans to organisation, provide insurance cover over a particular risk, offers organisation financial advice, offers audit.