The ultraviolet rays are a type of electromagnetic wave that is used in security pens.
Further Explanation:
The electromagnetic waves are propagated by instantaneous periodic variation of the magnetic field and electric field intensity. They include visible light, infrared, gamma rays, radio waves, and ultraviolet rays. When the spectrum of light is passing through the prism, then they differentiate into a different color of the rainbow.
Ultraviolet lights are invisible to naked human eyes. The primary source of ultraviolet light is a sun that is differentiated into three different forms UV-A, UV-C, and UV-B. UV-B and UV-C are most harmful and can cause cellular damage to the living organism.UV lights are used in security pens to highlight the marking on the object for security purposes or to identify the owner easily. They can easily absorb light of short wavelength and have a higher frequency. Their wavelength is shorter than the visible lights.
Learn more:
1. Learn more about collagen disease
2. Learn more about subatomic particle
3. Learn more about electron
Answer Details:
Grade: High School
Subject: Biology
Topic: Radiations
Ultraviolet rays, spectrum, visible light, infrared, differentiate, UV-A, UV-B, UV-C, light, higher frequency, human eyes, pen, security, sun.