The quality of being uncharged from the original state .
200 - 300 words
A literature review should include what you thought about the book, what you think will happen in the sequel, what you liked about the book, and what you didn't like about the book. That should be about 200 - 300 words.
The meaning of the word murmur is quiet sound.
The rest wouldn't really make any sense at all.
A softly spoken or almost inaudible utterance.
"The dose makes the poison" is an adage intended to indicate a basic principle of toxicology.
Writing is important in spreading information and experiences to in a way that is detailed and allows the reader to feel what you feel, or see what you see. Some people are better with writing their words instead of speaking. Writing can help them spread their experience. Information can be spread through writing because it gives organizations, news companies, and even ordinary people to spread awareness, advertise, or just share important facts.